Site Control Panel

Handle your sites with a simple click of the mouse

It’s now really easy to manage your sites with the cutting–edge Web Apps Installer that we’ve developed exclusively for you with user–friendliness into account. Handle all of your data with smooth drag’n’drop actions, register, transfer and manage a lot of domain names from a single location, set up email addresses straight away, run subscriber list promotions in no time, configure and modify your databases with a click, control site stat reports live, etc). Cutting–edge programs just like a framework installer, an .htaccess generator and a hotlink protection program are enclosed as well.

Site Control Panel

Increased MySQL queries

Host active MySQL tables without difficulty

In the event that your shared web hosting account is unable to cope with the CPU and MySQL use of your web site, transferring to a semi-dedicated hosting plan might be the smartest choice for you. You will have much larger CPU consumption and MySQL queries amounts for your web sites to make use of.

In addition, with more MySQL queries readily available, you can have much more people using your applications or database-driven websites all at once.

Increased MySQL queries

Increased CPU quotas

Additional power for your web apps and sites

If standard shared web hosting accounts are unable to hold your CPU intensive web sites, than a semi-dedicated server is just the answer for you. With AmtecHost, you’ll get a semi-dedicated hosting plan with significant CPU use quotas that’ll be equipped to accommodate your websites and web apps and prevent them from going down in peak usage moments.

Also, since you simply share the web server with few consumers, even if somebody goes over their designated CPU allocation, this is not going to impact the effectiveness of the server.

Increased CPU quotas

USA Data Center

A top-of-the-line USA data center

AmtecHost is collaborating with a state-of-the-art data center found at the center of Chicago, Illinois. It ensures all the conditions that we want to utilize our custom-made internal network with its specialized hardware parameters. The data center has also an excellent help team on duty around the clock to monitor the web server network and supply on time guidance in critical situations.

Additionally it is worth noting that the USA datacenter gives you fantastic network connectivity with the whole world. This assures high website loading rates for all websites and web applications working on the US semi-dedicated hosting plans.

USA Data Center

Enhanced Service Stability and Security

Security–increased Linux–type servers

AmtecHost’s servers are offered with a safety–improved Linux distribution, which makes them more than dependable and steady. We have put in a whole lot of time and hard work in constructing a protected system that can potentially undergo huge hacker or DoS intrusions without leading to disorders to the website hosting system and jeopardizing your site’s efficiency.

Enhanced Service Stability and Security

Remote MySQL Access

Distant connections to your databases

In case you own a database which you have to share throughout several web sites situated on several servers and with various website hosting firms, you can take full advantage of our Remote MySQL option. By using it, you can provide admittance to your database to diverse web pages that you consider trustworthy. This is particularly helpful should you own a database of clients that you would like to share among several virtual stores.

Remote MySQL Access

24x7 Support

Round–the–clock client assistance

Our staff of knowledgeable consultants is online 24/7 for any queries that you might have concerning our semi-dedicated hosting plans. Regardless of whether you call for suggestions or have a really serious problem to handle, we are here to help you. You may contact us via email or through the ticketing system. A 60–minute response is guaranteed. You could also phone us over the phone or take advantage of the real–time messaging support during business hours.

24x7 Support

NVMe Drives

NVMe–operated semi-dedicated servers

All of our semi-dedicated hosting plans have NVMe drives in place of common hard disks. NVMe drives offer a lot faster read/write rates, and therefore your webpage will come up much quicker. No further site alterations are needed.

Considering the great online connectivity possibilities offered by our USA datacenter your webpage will start working faster the minute you transfer it over to AmtecHost.

NVMe Drives